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Left-Right: Nene Bah, Senior Gender Advisor, Office of the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region; Hon. Janviere Ndirahisha, Regional Director for the ICGLR regional training facility in Uganda; Amb. João Samuel Caholo, Executive Secretary of the ICGLR; and Faridah Kibowa, Chair of Uganda National Women Council. Kampala, Uganda, 27 Nov. 2023 (Photo: Fiona Irakoze, ICGLR).
Kampala (Uganda), 27 November 2023 - The Office of the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes, in collaboration with the
Left to right: Bruno Lemarquis, (left) Deputy Special Representative to the UN Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO), Yacoub El Hillo, (2nd left), Regional Director for the Development Coordination Office for Africa, Susan Ngongi Namondo, UN Resident Coordinator in Uganda, Bagiire Vincent Waiswa, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uganda, Huang Xia, UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region (2nd right), and Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, (right), Special Representative of Secretary-General to the AU and Head of the UN Office to the AU (UNOAU), during the second SPG Retreat held in Kampala, Uganda. Photo (William Sila, Office of the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region).
Kampala (Uganda), 12 December 2023 – The Senior Policy Group (SPG) of United Nations presences in the Great Lakes region met in Kampala, Uganda, on 11-12 December 2023 to review progress in the implementation of the
High profile participants at the retreat on the revitalization of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the DRC and the region. Durban, South Africa, 31 October 2023 (Photo: Penangnini Toure)
The Office of the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region in collaboration with the African Union (AU) organized a regional retreat to assess the impact of the Peace, Security and Cooperation (PSC) Framework for the Democratic Republi
Special Envoy Huang Xia briefing the Security Council on the situation in Africa’s Great Lakes region. New York, 17 October 2023 (Photo: Manuel Elías)
Source: UN News