Workshop on natural resources in the Great Lakes region, Khartoum, 2 September 2021 |
Workshop on natural resources in the Great Lakes region, Khartoum, 31 August 2021 |
UN Special Envoy, Huang Xia presentation to the UN Security council, 12 April 2021 |
United Nations and Decolonization: Past to Present |
Huang Xia (Special Envoy) on the situation in Great Lakes Region - Security Council, 8767th meeting |
Huang Xia, Envoyé spécial pour la Région des Grands Lacs sur BBC Afrique |
22 Apr 2020 - The situation in the Great Lakes region, Security Council Open VTC. |
Security Council must seize 'golden opportunity' for stability in Great Lakes region: UN envoy |
Interview avec l'Envoyé spécial du Secrétaire général pour la région des Grands Lacs Huang Xia |
Women, Youth and Civil Society in Peace and Security in Great Lakes Region |
Mission de suivi de la Plateforme des femmes de la CIRGL en RDC, juin 2019 |
Courtesy visit by the Special Envoy Huang Xia to the DRC, 14 – 16 April 2019 |
Said Djinnit (Special Envoy) on the situation in the Great Lakes Region - Security Council, 8490th meeting |
l’Envoyé spécial du Secrétaire général pour les Grands Lacs, Saïd Djinnit, exhorte les Etats signataires de cet accord à prendre des mesures décisives pour résoudre le problème des forces négatives.Crédit: Nations Unies |
Said Djinnit (Envoyé spécial) sur la situation dans la région des Grands Lacs - Conseil de sécurité, 7923e séance |
United Nations Secretary-General launches new strategy to fight Sexual Exploitation and Abuse |
UN Special Envoy Said Djinnit meets with Congolese PM Samy Badibanga |
Democracy and Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, A Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, 29 November 2016 |
Djinnit: Despite Slow Progress, Great Lakes Countries Remain Committed to Implementing Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework |
Said Djinnit: the time has come to act together to overcome the cycles of violence |
Highlights of DRC Great Lakes Private Sector Investment Conference - CNBC Africa |
Private Sector Investment Conference (PSIC) for the Great Lakes region of Africa, 24 - 25 February 2016, Kinshasa, DRC |
Said Djinnit (Special Envoy) on the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo - Security Council, 7529th meeting, 7 October 2015 |
Said Djinnit, Democratic Republic of the Congo - Security Council, 7288th meeting. 27 October 2014 |
UN Great Lakes - Special Envoy's visit to Kinshasa and Kisangani |
Empowering women with skills to get into business |
Breaking the barriers to access to capital for small-scale businesswomen |
Nightmares for Ugandan women cross-border traders | Grooming young women into entrepreneurship |
UN's Allan Mukungu on the Nairobi SMEs forum 2015 | African Development Bank committed to SMEs empowerment |
UN Great Lakes - Special Envoy's visit to Kinshasa and Kisangani
"On the Front Lines of Conflict"
A video produced by the UN Department for Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) on the occasion of the International Day of UN Peacekeepers (29 May)
UN Great Lakes - The Women’s Platform meeting in Goma, eastern DRC, 14 May 2015
Mary Robinson talks on the Peace One Day event |
Peace One Day: The Journey |