Media Monitoring - OSESG-GL, 8 September 2014

22 Apr 2015

Media Monitoring - OSESG-GL, 8 September 2014

Angola: UN Special Envoy for Great Lakes Expected in Angola on Monday

Source: AngolaPress via

Luanda, 6 September 2014 -The Assistant-Secretary General of the United Nations and Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for the Great Lakes Region, Said Djinnit, will make an official visit to Angola, on 08-10 September, during which he is to hold meetings with members of the Angolan Executive

According to a press note from the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Said Djinnit is scheduled to arrive in Luanda on Monday evening.

The top UN official, who is from Algeria, was appointed to be Special Envoy to the Great Lakes last July, by the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, in replacement of the Irish Mary Robinson.

High-Level Representative of the Secretary-General for Nigeria Said Djinnit attends the Abuja Ministerial Conference on Security in Nigeria

Source: African Press Organization

Dakar,September 4 2014- Said Djinnit the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for West Africa and High-Level Representative of the Secretary-General for Nigeria attended yesterday [3 September] the Abuja Ministerial Meeting on Security. The Ministerial Conference was a follow-up to three previous meetings in Paris London and Washington on 17 May 12 June and 5 August respectively.

The High-Level Representative for Nigeria conveyed the message of the Secretary-General to the meeting highlighting the deep concern of the United Nations at the continuous violence in North-Eastern Nigeria including the killing and abduction of innocent civilians.