Media Monitoring - OSESG-GL, 19 February 2015

21 Apr 2015

Media Monitoring - OSESG-GL, 19 February 2015

German envoy says Africa should take lead in neutralizing Rwandan rebels

Source: Xinhua

Kigali, 18 February 2015 -
The African Union should take the lead in bringing an end to the issue of Rwandan rebels, the FDLR and ensure peace and security in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo), the German ambassador to Rwanda Peter Fahrenholtz said Tuesday.

Fahrenholtz spoke after a meeting with members of the Rwandan Parliament, in Kigali, where he accompanied seven visiting members of German Parliamentary group.

Fahrenholtz said the German government firmly believes that FDLR and other negative forces in DR Congo have to be dissolved, but it has to be done with cooperation from African governments.

"This is taking place in an African country -- we cannot come in as Europeans and violate the sovereignty and dignity of this continent.

We want to do this together with African leaders and African Union (AU)," Fahrenholtz said.

Two political leaders of the FDLR, Ignace Murwanashyaka and his deputy Straton Musoni are currently on trial in a German court over leading the FDLR.

The deadline given for the FDLR to voluntarily disarm or face military offensive expired on January 2.

Fahrenholtz insisted that regardless of the delays to neutralize FDLR, the international community has a consensus and similar opinion that there has to be peace in Eastern DR Congo.

He noted that the UN mission in DR Congo, Monusco has never been in a better shape than they are in now.

The UN spends about 1.5 billion U.S. dollars on Monusco every year, of which Germany contributes about 100 million U.S. dollars.

The envoy insisted that the big budget is aimed at resolving insecurity problems in the Eastern DR Congo to create a lasting peace in the Great Lakes region.

"Rwanda has done very well is rebuilding itself. It is very important that this conflict has to end, s