Media Monitoring - OSESG-GL, 26 February 2015

21 avr 2015

Media Monitoring - OSESG-GL, 26 February 2015

Congo army launches first strike against Rwandan rebels

Source: Reuters World Service

By Aaron Ross (Additional reporting by Kenny Katombe in Goma and Bienvenu-Marie Bakumanya in Kinshasa; Editing by Joe Bavier and Catherine Evans)

Kinshasa, 24 February 2015 -
Congolese government forces launched strikes against Rwandan Hutu rebels in Democratic Republic of Congo on Tuesday, military officials said, in the first combat since last month's announcement of a campaign to stamp out the group.

The Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), whose ranks include former soldiers and Hutu militiamen responsible for Rwanda's 1994 genocide, have been at the center of nearly two decades of violence in eastern Congo.

Tuesday's fighting took place in South Kivu province in the hills inland from the lakeside town of Uvira, some 10 kilometers (6 miles) from the border with Burundi, EspérantMasudi, the provincial commander of operations, told Reuters.

Another officer with the Congolese army, known as the FARDC, said the assault, launched early in the morning, had captured all the FDLR's strongholds in the area.

"The FARDC launched a large attack in the Moyen Plateau of Mulenge ... It was a well-planned operation," he said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

He said the army had met only light resistance from the FDLR, whose fighters can melt into eastern Congo's rugged landscape when confronted.

FARDC spokesman Leon Kasonga later announced on state-owned television that three FDLR fighters had been killed.

A spokesman for Congo's United Nations peacekeeping mission, MONUSCO, was not immediately aware of the combat operation.

While the FDLR has a presence in South Kivu, the bulk of its estimated 1,400 fighters are believed to operate in neighboring North Kivu province.

The army announced on Jan. 29 the start of the long-awaited campaign against the rebels, whose presence in Congo was used as a pretext for military interventions by Rwanda that helped spark successive wars in Congo, killing millions.