Media Monitoring - OSESG-GL, 18 December 2014

21 avr 2015

Media Monitoring - OSESG-GL, 18 December 2014

Angola: Rwanda's President Meets with Angolan Counterpart

Source: AngolaPress

Luanda, 17 December 2014 -
The Head of State of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, is at the Presidential Palace, in Luanda, for a private meeting with his Angolan counterpart, José Eduardo dos Santos, in order to analyse the situation of peace and stability in the region Great Lakes.

At his arrival at the presidential Palace, the Rwandan leader was received with honour by the presidential guard and then received welcome greetings from the Angolan Head of State and members of his Executive.

Peace in the Great Lakes region, primarily in the Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan, as well as issues of bilateral interest are expected to be discussed between the two leaders.

The Angolan Head of State, José Eduardo dos Santos, is since January 2014, the chairman of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) and has done everything for the search of consensus between the parties involved in internal conflicts within these three countries.

The ICGLR was created after the political conflicts that marked the Great Lakes region in 1994, whose results marked the recognition of its dimension and the need for a concerted effort in order to promote peace and development in the region.

This regional body comprises Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Sudan, South Sudan and Tanzania.

The Rwandan president [was] expected to return this Wednesday to his country.

Angola: Rwandan President Leaves State House after Meeting His Angolan Counterpart

Source: AngolaPress

Luanda, 17 December 2014 -